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How Decor Affects Your Emotions at Home

Subtle emotional signals from surroundings are influencing your perception at all times.

By using the psychology of interior design, you can easily become more comfortable in your home. Small changes to colors, layout, and fabrics can easily improve your mood and evoke positive feelings.

“The living room or the kitchen tends to be gathering places in the home and often make the first impression. These are great spaces to have a happy feel filled with light and air and elegance.”

“The master bedroom is a great place to build comfort in, along with the family room. This can be accomplished with warm textured fabrics and rich color. To create a feeling of romance in a room, the fabrics used should be soft and touchable and have some drape or flow in them.”

“Usually the formal living room and dining room are the rooms you use to impress your guests or family members. In the spaces you want to make a statement and you want to invest more money to create drama and to let the people know who are visiting the home that they are important too.”

Choosing the right color is crucial to setting the tone and purpose of a room. As a rule, lighter colors will feel more open and light like the sky, whereas darker colors give off a heavy feeling and can make you feel more enclosed.

The whiter added to a hue, the lighter it is able to reflect whereas darker colors absorb light. Beware of overpowering your home with too much darkness when choosing some of your favorite colors.


Green Living

Living a green life is a great to improve upon a living style in order to make it more healthy and conducive towards properly contributing to the environment. Living a green life is an active sign showing that a person is contributing to the environment and thus spreading awareness about an all encompassing and important issue that affects everyone on earth. The green movement is a global movement that allows people to live better more environmentally fused lives that changes destructive habits and replaces them with habits that contribute towards helping the environment and living a safer and cleaner life. Green living is a great way to experience life in a much more beneficial perspective is extremely refreshing to all those who partake in its excitement.

Within the last decade there has been a push to be more environmental in people’s lives and to undergo a certain amount of green living. Green living can be highly rewarding to the environment and is a great way to not only help a person feel better about contributing to society and the earth but maintain a wonderful hobby that will last their entire lives. There are many different aspects involved in green living and all of them are extremely rewarding and exciting and many are simple and easily accessible for the average person to do. Green living is a way of life that can be all encompassing if a person wants to get in depth with what they do. It is a way of life filled with products, food, housing, and transportation and thus is a very deep topic and pattern of life for those who choose to live within its path.
